Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Classical music and Tears

Man, did I have an experience today. As you all know, this chica was saved this last Sunday so I am still fresh on the Word. I was just tired of being a mess and ignoring God's knock at my heart. That's it. I did not know any verse's and don't have a favorite chapter of the Bible because honestly I haven't read a single chapter of the Bible. I got saved on faith. I knew two things.
1. I love Jesus.
2. Jesus loves me.
So I started really cracking down on my knowledge today because it finally hit me that if anyone asked me why I believe what I do all I can really say is:
1. I love Jesus
2. Jesus loves me.
Because today I was told about the Holy Trinity and all I could reply with was, "huh?"
I had no idea. Now I know that the Holy Trinity is 
God the Father
God the Son
and God the Spirit.
BOOM! This girl studied and asked some questions :)
I am no longer going to be the girl that says, "huh?"
I am starting in John as I have heard it is the best place to get started. That is where my journey in the Bible begins.

Now you might be thinking where does classical music come in and these tears you speak of?
Well you perceptive one you, being a music lover I always have to have music. 
When I am studying the Word,
classical music feels the air. It calms me and I somehow feel more closer to what I am doing.
I always have a soar of emotions when classical music is around.
This is where the tears come in.
After my study, I prayed.
I can honestly tell you it was the most beautiful prayer that has ever left my lips.
A rush of emotion came over me and 
I suddenly knew everything was going to be alright.

In short, no more Netflix for this girl.
I have a new hobby :)

Its good to feel so...clean?
Clean from the dirt of negativity.
Clean from the confusion of what was right.

It is good to finally know the feeling of unconditional love.



  1. Keep opening that heart up girl! That feeling you had right there? Yep - you just had the Holy Spirit touching you... you just learned that lesson of the Trinity first hand :)

  2. My dear girl,
    It was the absolute best feeling in the world to open your door last night and see you studying your Bible. My heart was so full I thought it might burst!!!

    And as far as new habits go, spending time with God is the BEST one you will ever have and it will stay with you a lifetime and beyond!!

    I love you so ~~ mama

  3. I LOVE YOU! I am so happy for you! I am here for anything you need dear! Love love love this post!!!
