Friday, February 24, 2012

Why not?

So I am pretty excited about this weekend.
Tomorrow one of my college suitemates is performing at a local coffee shop 
and of course I am going to go and support her. I'm thinking about making a defense sign...

These are my beautifully, awesome suite mates. We were at a masquerade so that is why we are all fancy and awesome in this picture. It is the only I have of all of us together :) The one with the silver mask is the one performing tomorrow.

Before the performance, I plan on grabbing some sushi with one of my most dearest friends.
He's pretty much the bee's knees. We walked together in graduation and he never fails to make me laugh. We shall call him BranMan.

Biggest news of the day though might want to sit down. This is a lot to take in all in one moment.

Starting Monday, some girlfriends of mine and I are doing what I titled a "Woman's Challenge."
Everyday we will have a "challenge" to perform for thirty days.
I am pretty excited. I will keep you updated on the challenges and let you breathe in the awesomeness!

This song is dedicated to a blessed weekend for everyone and lots of SUNSHINE!


1 comment:

  1. Hahaha..... Branman makes him sound like a breakfast cereal. He will think that is cool, or like he's an old man cereal.


    Women's Challenge = YAY!!! Because let's face it, it is a challenge being a woman sometimes =)

    Pocket Full of Sunshine ~~ that used to be my ringtone on Dak's phone. Love.

    Oh and I love you ~~ have a Blessed weekend Baby Girl ~~
